
Wolf in Sheep's Clothes

Deviation Actions

Basic-Hedgehog's avatar

Literature Text

Base locked arms with his sister Veejay in a grapple fashion. The two stood in the center of a circle drawn in the ground; a crowd gathered around, each cheering on the two combatants. Veejay reared back her head and slammed it into Base's forehead, Base's head hung between his shoulders. Veejay backed off from the grapple and Base fell to his knees in the circle.

Veejay raised her arms over her head and spun around to the cheers of the audience, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, she felt her feet leave the ground and she reconnected shoulders first with a slam on the ground. She looked up and saw Base standing there, blood on his forehead, with that shit-eating smirk she'd come to know well from their sparring matches.

"Gotcha sis." he said wiping the blood from his forehead, what wasn't absorbed by the red headband across his brow. His feet shifted apart, his arms up in front in a boxer fashion. After a meeting with her Zone Cop counterpart Zee, Veejay felt she needed to train Base to be a more brutal fighter for what they both knew was eventually going to come. Evil-Sonic's eventual rise to a higher power was inevitable, and stopping it was impossible as the Zone Cops would do what it took to let things run their course; of course the loophole was they could prepare for the inevitable. Veejay didn't want to see Base die, and planned to train him.

What she didn't realize was he had been re-learning everything he needed to that Mission had once taught him, realizing he'd allowed himself to become soft and it had almost cost everyone so much. He didn't need any training, but that didn't mean she couldn't keep him peaked by sparring with him daily, it helped keep her at her peak as well; the fight with Ace had made her realize that she too had possibly gone a little soft as she had almost lost.

"Bro, I am gonna rip that headband off your head and string you up by your balls with it." she said good humoredly and cracked her neck and back. Then she charged at him, she skipped into the air, hit the ground and slid, kicking him in the shin and tripping him up.

Base fell forward and his gut met Veejay's fist. Base felt the wind leave him, and Veejay pushed him off. Veejay got to her feet and turned to Base, she hoisted he foot up and brought it down at him. Base caught her foot with both his hands and twisted, Veejay spun, but managed to keep her balance on one foot, and she kicked back with it and caught Base in his jaw, sending him stumbling back. Veejay hit the ground palms first, pushed herself back to her feet and charged at Base.

Base growled and rubbed his jaw and charged at Veejay. The two met in the middle, each throwing a punch and connecting with eachother's face, bringing the two down to the ground. Each shakily got back to their feet. Veejay took a swing at Base, he ducked, reached up grabbed her arm and flipped her onto her back, spun her over and twisted her arm behind her back.

Veejay grabbed behind her and got a fistful of Base's headband and tugged,"Gotcha!"

"No! I got you-OW OW OW! Sis, I think this is going to be a draw, neither of us is gonna let go."

Veejay winced and grunted,"Fuck that! I'm winning!"

"LIKE HELL YOU ARE! I got you in an arm lock! You got a headband I could slip off!"

"All part of a master scheme to win."

"Fuck that!"

A murmur amongst the crowd as it drew away from the circle, the two combatants released eachother and stood up. Base dusted himself off and  walked to the edge of the circle, he grabbed his coat and sword,"The hell's going on you think?"

Veejay cracked her neck,"Something like this? I think someone just wandered into the village."

Base blinked setting his sword through the belt frog,"I wonder who?"


Base moved through the crowd, trying to find the front, or the center of the crowd of mobians,"Excuse me, coming through, burritos for lunch, walking time bomb-"

Base hit the end of the crowd and was met with Bunnie Rabbot standing in front of him, a backpack strapped over her shoulder and a look of having traveled through the harshness of the outback to get where she was,"....Bunnie?"

"Base!" she shouted happily and threw her arms around his neck,"Oh mah stars am Ah glad t'see a familiah face!"

Base's arms slowly hugged her torsoe. When he'd been at Knothole last, he had been in critical condition, Bunnie and he never talked before he returned, they never saw eachother once. Why was she so happy to see him now?

"Err, hi Bunnie. What're you doing here in Downunda?"

Bunnie hugged tighter,"Ya'll left Knothole after we won. You promised to come back to saw Antoine and wasn't what it looked like."

Base looked behind him, the crowd was still there,"Erm...maybe we should go somewhere more private?"

Veejay stood at the front of the crowd, she eyed Bunnie. She knew Base's side of the story from the end of Robotnik's reign and Base being hurt by Bunnie and Antoine hadn't done anything to ease Veejay's disposition on the northerners; the only reason she'd taken it easy on Bunnie before Robotnik's fall was because she knew Base loved her.

Veejay turned to the crowd,"SCRAM! This ain't a peep show! Back to your activities! Sparring match is tomorrow folks!"

Veejay walked over to Base and whispered in his ear,"We'll talk about this later."

Then she left. Base stood holding Bunnie and sighed,"Let's go to my hut. We'll talk there."


Base sat down on his porch and watched as Bunnie sat next to him,"Why're you here?"

Bunnie hugged her legs,"Ah didn't see you when y'were brought back home. Didn't get to see you when y'left neither. Ah needed to apologize for how things were. For how you thought they were."

Base looked out to the village and then back to Bunnie,"How I thought they were? It seemed pretty clear to me how they were was how they are. Why're you here?"

Bunnie scooted closer to him and smiled at him,"Ah missed you."

Bunnie's hand rested over Base's. He looked to her and shook his head,"What happened to Antoine?"

Bunnie looked confused a moment, as if stunned he pursued the question, then nodded her head slowly,"Things didn't...go how Ah thought they would...then they ended."

"If its as simple as all that why come here?"

"To set things right." Bunnie said with a smile.

Things weren't the same anymore, there were other factors in this now, and it wasn't as simple as picking up where they left off, not for Base, and he couldn't figure out why it was for her. If she had chosen Antoine over him, how could it be so simple to her as just switching? Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He still had to worry about another girl though.


Windy handed Veejay an icepack,"He's getting better at fighting you, y'know."

Veejay pressed the icepack to her cheek and nodded,"That's good, I think. Shows he's getting tougher! Instead of losing to me, the fights are coming out as draws now. He's getting tougher!"

Windy smirked and turned to a sink, bedpans stacked to one side of it as well as medical tools that all needed cleaning and sterilizing,"What are you gonna do when he finally beats you?"

"You mean 'if', Winnie." Veejay smirked.

Windy flinched at the nickname and turned to Veejay,"No, I mean 'when' you bitch. That's Base's pattern, if he doesn't win the first time he keeps going back until he does, and he eventually always does."

"That why you stare at his ass?" Veejay said trying to steer the conversation off its tracks.

Windy's eyes went wide, her cheeks colored under her fur and she turned back to the sink,"Oh my goodness! I do not!"

Veejay smirked, success. She placed the ice pack to a new spot,"Really?"

"Yes, really."

"What brand are his pants? I'm thinking of getting a pair."

"They don't have a brand ta-DAMMIT VEEJAY!" Windy was becoming more flustered by the assault. She began to scrub a bedpan furiously,"Stop talking about his ass!"

Veejay crossed her legs and leaned back in her chair,"Gettin' all hot n' bothered are you? Alright I'll stop."

Windy rolled her eyes,"Oh please. Like I'd have any interest in that brash, headstrong-"

"-Brave, selfless, strong-"

"STOP THAT!" Windy turned back to Veejay and pointed at her with the bedpan,"I do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT have any sort of a fixation on your brother, his ass, or any other parts thereof!" Windy said accenting each point with the bedpan, soapy water spilling from the pan with each movement.

It only made Veejay take her less seriously,"Sure Windy, sure. Now, could you put down the dreaded piss trench, please?"

Windy sighed, she felt beat and tossed the pan back in the sink,"Shut up."

"He told me about Cyber City, Windy. The nights, how you two almost kissed before he got shot." Veejay said switching the ice pack to her other cheek and hand,"That doesn't just go away. You've been ignoring him since he got back, why?"

Windy went back to scrubbing the bed pan,"...because its my fault he got hurt."

Veejay blinked,"You're the only one who thinks that, Windy. He doesn't blame you, and if the same situation arose he'd do it again; that's just how he is. Now if you wanna sit here and whimper and whine about something no one saw coming, that's your business. That other northerner just showed up and I think she's looking to make a claim on that ass you like so much, so you might wanna buck up and get the fuck out there and make it yourself first."

Windy looked over her shoulder,"...hold up, what?"

"That rabbit chick is here, and it looks like she's come to try and snatch him up. You want him? You better go get him." Veejay said switching the ice pack again,"And enough of this poor me shit, you've been acting like a bitch since he got back. He's tried talking to you, you've always got an excuse not to talk, so get out there and talk!"

Windy nodded and removed the rubber gloves from her hands,"You're right Veejay, I need to speak up."

"Damn right!"

"Before its too late to."

"Hell yes!"

Windy walked to her door and opened it,"Please finish scrubbing the piss trenches for me." she said with a smirk and she shut the door behind her.

Veejay blinked, and looked at the used bedpans,"...NOW WAIT A MINUTE!"


Base stood up quickly from where he had been sitting and took a few steps back,"Bunnie! What's gotten into you?!"

Bunnie stood up,"Nothin's gotten into me! What's wrong?"

Base shook his head,"You were getting a little all."

Bunnie stepped closer to Base,"I thought you wanted that?" she said, putting her hands on his cheeks.

Base felt a warmth in his chest, he tried to fight that, he took her hands from his cheeks and put them at her sides,"Wanted...but you were with Antoine. If things didn't work out with you two I'm sorry but you can't just come here and think things are just gonna pick up where they left off."

Bunnie looked sadly at Base,"Ya'll don't not want me anymore, Base?"

Bunnie looked over Base's shoulder, tuning out his response, she could see Windy coming, and it was showtime. She threw her arms around Base's neck and kissed him hard. Base was frozen, stunned, unable to act. Bunnie opened an eye to look at Windy, to see her reaction. Windy looked heartbroken, Bunnie felt a surge of triumph seeing that look and felt the kiss break as Base pushed her off him,"Bunnie! I said knock that off! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Bunnie kept her gaze over Base's shoulder, Base looked to see what she was staring at. Windy stormed up to Base and her, she locked her gaze with Base, pointed a finger, and opened her mouth to try and say something. Nothing came out, Windy just grit her teeth and dropped her hand. She said nothing, but turned her gaze to Bunnie. Base broke the silence first, but was slapped in the mouth by Windy before he could get much out.

"Don't you DARE speak, hedgehog!" Windy shouted and turned to Bunnie.

Bunnie shoved Windy,"What're you hittin' him for you crazy bat?!"

Windy snarled and grabbed Bunnie by the front of her shirt,"Who're you callin' crazy you old cow?! This is between me and him! So back the fuck off!" she said accenting it with a shove of her own that would have been more effective if Bunnie hadn't planted her feet to the ground.

Windy turned to Base, gritted her teeth, her features slowly sagged into a sad state, and she walked away. Base turned to go after her, but Bunnie grabbed his arm,"Let her go, sugah. Ah don't know what her problem is but its best just to leave her be."

Base pulled his arm from her grasp,"Her problem is a misunderstanding, I don't know what the hell has gotten into you Bunnie, but you're not the same girl I knew. I'm going to go talk to her, and I don't want you to follow me."

Base turned and chased after Windy. Bunnie stood and crossed her arms, pouting angrily as she watched Base run away,"Damn right Ah ain't. This' gettin' t'be a bigger pain in the ass'n I thought."


Veejay looked at the now completed wash, stacked to the right of the sink drying off,"Ha. Master of dishwashing."

The door opened and slammed shut hard, all the now clean bedpans and medical equipment spilled off the counter, Veejay growled,"I'M NOT CLEANING THOSE AGAIN!"

Veejay turned her attention to the front door, Windy stood there, locking the door, pushing her back against the door and slumping to the ground. Veejay bit her lip and walked over to Windy,"Windy? Girl, you alright? C'mon, talk to me kid."

Windy looked up to Veejay, tears matted the fur under her eyes,"That slut was all over him."

Veejay sighed and put her hands on Windy's shoulders,"And?"

"...and what?"

"How did my bro react? Cause if I know Base he's about four steps behind you." Veejay said with a smile, as if trying to reassure Windy.

Windy dropped her head to her knees,"What makes you so sure?"

A pounding on the door came, Base's voice through the hard wood door,"Windy! Open up! That wasn't how it looked! I'm a little agitated that you slapped me...but we need to talk! No more excuses either!"

Veejay lifted Windy by her chin and looked her in the eyes,"You gotta keep that hand of yours steady and stop going off like that."

Windy closed her eyes halfway in irritation,"Says our local mugger." she sighed and turned to the door,"One minute Base...stop pounding on the door will you?!"

Veejay stood her up and wiped her eyes,"This is your chance, girl. Don't waste it."

Windy nodded and bit her lip,"Why are things like this so...hard Veejay?"

Veejay gave her a pat on the shoulder,"All things that are worth a damn are, kid."

Windy took a deep breath and turned to the door and undid the lock, she turned and saw Veejay climb out the window. She grasped the handle of the door and prepared herself.


On Moebius, Ace searched the old ruins of Mobotropolis, the part of the city the King had let die in favor of newer housing. It was a shitty neighborhood filled to the brim with the scum of scum. It used to be a decent enough neighborhood, and once part of his home when he was a child living in the Forbidden Zone. Sonic and his gang had taken up residence in an old arcade, no doubt because of the arcade games.

Ace smiled jumping from roof to roof, he liked the word arcade, it was one of those words that gave you a warm fuzzy feeling of good memories. When he was younger Amariel used to take him there before the neighborhood went under. He had been searching for Buns for a while now, he needed to talk to her about the situation at the hospital. He had the entire thing planned down to the smallest detail; he would explain to her the situation, explain his point of view on the subject, and either she would accept it or leave him, either way he wasn't leaving Windimiere and Jaybird alone again.

He loved Buns, in his twisted sort of way, but he also loved Windimiere, and he still had his daughter to raise. The situation was uncomfortable for him, normally the situations he got caught up in had factors he could control and could predict the outcomes of, he had plans, and plans for plans and the plans of those plans, which was all according to plan.

He finally landed on the roof of the old arcade building, he smirked, he had done surveillance here before, spying on Sonic and his group, Sonic's room was the topmost floor, third window to the right, and he was usually there. Ace hopped over the side of the building, his hands latched to the ledge of the rooftop and he swung in through the window.

The glass shattered as he sprung through the window,"Top floor! Women's shoes!"

He landed on the bed, quickly moving to pin Sonic down on the bed. Sonic's eyes fixed on his and Ace grinned in response,"Hey hun, what's cookin'?" Ace joked.

Sonic growled and tried to move his arms,"Motherfucker! You think you're gonna kill me?! I ain't going down that easy!"

Ace leant in closer to Sonic's face and grinned, his beartrap smile showing,"Smile for me, cutie."

Sonic felt uncomfortable and snarled at him,"What you ain't satisfied sticking it to one of MY girls, feral snot?!"

Ace closed his mouth, an imitation of a normal smile,"I jus' think its funny we got the same grin's all. Speaking of my Buns...where is she?"

"What? Your nun ain't keeping you satisfied, snot?" Sonic quipped, and was met with a smack in the mouth before his arm was held back down again.

Ace looked at him disappointingly,"Let's not bring others into this. Now, I couldda come here anytime and put some childhood demons to rest. So for showin' restrain how's about telling me where she is?"

Sonic grinned up at Ace, Ace felt discomfort fill him, that wasn't a good sign. Sonic cracked his neck and spoke,"She wasn't gonna hurt you, so I sent her somewhere where she could hurt you and not feel guilty."

Ace sighed,"I ain't got time for games."

Ace's leg adjusted itself, he put his foot down on Sonic's left arm, and reached into his coat with his right, he drew a knife, he moved it down between Sonic's legs and rested it against him,"Where is she?"

Sonic looked down, then up at Ace. Ace meant it, and he was prepared to do it too,"...the prime universe. I sent her there, dressed her up like her counterpart, told her to wreak havoc on what's his name there."

Ace's face betrayed his shock,"You're a dick."

Ace dived towards the window, grabbing the upper part of the frame and swinging himself back onto the roof. He had to get moving, other than knowing Sonic was going to be on his trail in about sixty seconds or less, he had to get to the Prime universe to stop whatever Buns was doing.

Ace sighed as he dived onto another rooftop, he had to hurry.


Buns sat on the roof of Base's hut, she adjusted the outfit she wore,"Sonic's plan ain't as good as he made it sound. Ah'm getting tired of this shit fast."

She leaned back on the rooftop and thought of Ace. Would doing this make him realize how much he'd hurt her by leaving her? If not what was the point of it all? There was some satisfaction in making Windimiere's counterpart jealous and upset, there was always that. She smiled at the thought, until a hand gripped her leg and pulled her off the roof down into the dirt below. She hit the ground with a hard thud and spun onto her back and saw Windy.

Buns got to her feet and rubbed her mouth checking for blood,"Ya'll mind tellin' me what the heck that was for?"

Windy crossed her arms and glared at Buns,"Base is back at the medical hut. I told him I had some errands to run, but honestly, I wanted to talk to you."

Buns dusted herself off and glared at Windy,"Spit it out before I knock it out of you."

Windy got right into Buns' face,"Keeps your hands off him. I ain't got the courage to admit to him how I feel about him, and I still haven't managed to bring myself to talk to him. But I'm going to, and you need to get the hell out of here."

Buns' shoved Windy,"That a challenge?"

Windy returned with a swift punch to Buns' jaw,"I'm a Downundan woman, you don't want to mess with me."

Buns turned to Windy with a snarl and rushed forward, tackling her. Windy planted her feet into the ground and started slamming her fist into Buns' ribs. Buns let go and punched Windy in the jaw with her metal fist.

Windy stumbled back and turned back to Buns,"You punch like a girl."

Buns ran up and socked Windy in the face again,"That's a stupid joke!"

Windy struck low, hitting Buns in the stomach and winding her, then struck high sending her off her feet and onto the ground. Buns got back to her feet and kicked Windy in the chest, sending her flying back and into the dirt with a skid. Buns grinned, this was more like it, this was more her style! A brawl was just what she wanted! It would have been better if it had been the Windimiere she knew had taken Ace from her, hell killing her would be just fine! She'd settle for this one, then she'd leave, mission accomplished.

Windy got back to her feet and cracked her knuckles. She darted forward sprinting, Buns foot came back up ready to kick out again; Windy's hands shot out in front of her, grabbing the base of Buns' foot and heaving her upward sending Buns onto her back. Windy sat on her chest and began punching her in the face. Buns lunged upward and headbutted Windy and shoved her off of her. The two got to their feet, snarling and bloody.

Buns readjusted her standing position into a mocking position,"Y'know, if you wanted him, you'd have taken him by now. Hopin' fer something better t'come along are you?"

Windy snarled, there was no response to that, she just stood her ground, shaking on her feet. Buns grinned and continued mocking her,"Y'know, when Ah kissed him I could feel him having to fight not just goin' with it. He still wants me, he's always gonna want me, and even if you get him, he'll always wonder what could have been."

Windy's fists sagged, her eyes moved to the ground slowly; Buns took her chance and charged. Windy's eyes and fists returned to their positions and struck out and hard connecting with Buns' jaw and knocking her to the ground. Windy stepped down on her chest and looked her in the eyes,"No one forgets their first love. I never did, and I don't expect him to either. Only thing to do is to make it so he's happy with me and doesn't ever need to wonder."

Buns looked at Windy's foot, then at her face,"Y'think its that simple? He'll always wonder."

Windy pressed down harder with her foot. A pair of hands rested on her shoulders and brought her backwards and off of Buns. Windy looked over her shoulder and saw Base standing there. Windy bit her lip and looked away. Base's grip tightened on her shoulders, he released her and stepped in front of her,"The jig is up Buns."

Buns' eyes widened,"...wh-what?"

Buns felt herself leave the ground and land on her feet, she spun around and was face to face with Ace. Ace was agitated looking, his hand went to her jaw and moved her head around, examining the various cuts and bruises,"You've made a mess of yourself."

Buns bit her lip, she looked like a child who just got caught up past their bedtime,"Ah can explain!"

Ace turned her to face him and glared in her eyes,"And yer gonna, just as soon as we get home. You know damn well I don't want Base messed with unless I'm doing it."

Buns lowered her eyes,"Ace...Ah'm sorry Ah just-"

"I know it was Sonic's idea. C'mon, we're going home, explain there." Ace said and hugged her to him.

Buns hugged him back,"Yer not mad?"

"Just disappointed. Let's go." Ace said opening the portal for them to go home.

Buns stepped through, Ace turned around to face the three onlookers,"...I'm not paying for any damages, bye!" He said darting through the portal as it closed.

Veejay patted Base and Windy's shoulders,"They're not the only people who need to talk. I'm going to go get something to eat. Call me when you two ain't being pecker heads."

Base looked at Windy, and she looked back at him. Base put his hand on the back of his neck,"...want to get ice cream?"

Windy nodded slowly,"Yeah...sounds good."


The portal closed behind Ace as he stepped through. His eyes turned to Buns,"Why didn't you jus' talk to me, Buns?"

Buns growled,"Don't play high and mighty with me!"

"I'm not. Neither of us is the innocent part here." Ace said calmly.

Buns felt beat, neither were the innocent party it was true, both were guilty of the exact same thing. She sat down on a rock,"Why did ya never say anythin' if it bothered you?"

Ace sat down cross legged in front of her, he smiled the beartrap smile. Buns smiled back despite herself, Ace's hand took her chin in his thumb and forefinger,"You didn't really have anywhere else t'go, babe. I knew why ya did it wasn't cause ya wanted to."

Buns' hands rested over Ace's hand, she smiled wider,"There's so much more t'you than first appearances, Ace. Ah should've just...talked to ya. Wouldda saved us so much trouble. So, explain t'me then."

Ace sighed,"Well, after I got injured, it turned out Windimiere and I had a daughter. The only reason she broke it off with me was cause sis was worried for the church's rep."

"That's selfish of her." Buns said with a frown.

Ace nodded,"Yeah, but I ain't gonna hold it against her. Think of it this way, the church houses so many, brings faith to others, it crumbles they got nothin' babe. But, I can't just forget Windimiere, what we had. That's selfish of me, too, but I wasn't able to say no; not for long anyway."

Buns looked into Ace's eyes, there was a conflicted sadness there, she put a hand on his cheek,"Ace..."

Ace looked up to her,"But I can't just dump you neither. Just as selfish as the other thing is, I know. But I gotta help raise my daughter, and was with you. It was just so confusin' I just took the easy route and I-"

Buns pulled him in and kissed his lips, then broke the kiss,"Don't get so worked up, sugah. I got it."

Ace blinked,"So...then now what?"

Buns bit her lip,"Ah honestly don't know. But we'll think of something, Ah'm gonna have to talk to Windimiere and figure this one out."

Ace stood up and offered his hand,"We best get goin'. Sonic's probably all over Moebius after me from earlier."

"What about earlier?"

"I had to get your location through persuasion." Ace said with a grin.

"Ah wonder if Dr. Kintobor's got room for a girl off her feet, Ah go back Sonic'll kill the shit outta me." Buns frowned.

Ace grinned,"The doc's always got room for one more."


Base leaned on the railing of the ice cream shop, Windy next to him. Windy was chewing on the cone from her ice cream, the two had been mostly silent since arriving at the ice cream shop. Base was the first to speak,"You shouldn't have avoided me."

Windy dropped her cone from the sudden lack of silence, she picked it up and deposited it in the trash bin,"I know."

"Cyber City couldn't just be brushed under the rug, Windy." Base said brushing some dirt off the railing,"I didn't."

Windy scooted closer to him,"I felt guilty about you getting injured, if I hadn't distracted you-"

Base put his index finger to her lips and smiled,"Cut it out. I didn't blame you for that, and I didn't want you to either."

Windy took his hand with both of hers and looked at him,"So, now what?"

Base lowered his eyes," I have to do some work on myself."

Windy raised a brow,"What do you mean?"

Base looked down,"That stunt Buns only proved to me I'm not fully over Bunnie yet. I still feel something for her. I haven't moved on yet, and you don't deserve that."

Windy nodded, she lifted his head so their eyes met,"I understand. When you're ready, I'll be here for you." she said with a smile.

Base smiled back, the familiar warmth of affection rising in his chest again. Windy let go of his chin and stood upright,"There's still something that's unfinished in this conversation though, hedgehog."

Base stood up, confused,"What's that?"

Windy smiled,"Cyber City. Sorta like promising me when you're over Bunnie you'll come find me."

Base blinked a few times,"What do you mean?"

Windy looked a little agitated,"Hedgehog, are you gonna kiss me or not?"

Base chuckled softly and held her to him,"I promise...when I'm ready I'll come find you."

Windy put her hands on his cheeks and smiled back,"Deal."

Their lips met, and for the first time since Cyber City the two felt that everything was as it was supposed to be.

The End
Finally the long awaited follow up to INY: To Love a Monster!

I hope you all enjoy its 20 1/2 pages of writing!
© 2011 - 2024 Basic-Hedgehog
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sonicthesexihedgehog's avatar
Windy and base foreva! B3 windys for every one! Jk